Originally from Chiba, Japan next to Tokyo, Been local in Nj, USA, Mineko Ogata is a jazz pianist and vocalist who was born into a family of musicians. Growing up, she learned the basics of classical piano, voice, and composition at her parents' music school in Chiba. In college, she joined the jazz club and began her career as a jazz musician.
Ogata has released five original albums and has performed live concerts in both jazz and classical genres. However, she took a break from music to raise her child. In 2022, she returned to music with a new and unique style, playing jazz solos while singing at the same time.
Ogata's music is a blend of her classical training and her love for jazz. Her performances are known for their technical skill, emotional depth, and her ability to connect with audiences. She has received critical acclaim for her ability to seamlessly blend her vocal and instrumental skills, creating a sound that is both innovative and deeply rooted in the jazz tradition.
What sets Ogata apart as a jazz pianist and vocalist is her ability to create a powerful and emotional connection with her audience. Her music is a testament to her passion for jazz and her desire to push the boundaries of what is possible in the genre. With her unique style and exceptional talent, Ogata is sure to continue to captivate audiences for years to come.
Hobby:Classical choir (Alto)・HipHop Jazz Music composing and performing
ミュージシャンの家庭に生まれ、両親経営の音楽教室でクラシックピアノ、声楽、作曲の基礎を習う。 大学時代に、ジャズ研に所属し、そこでジャズミュージシャンとしてキャリアを歩み始める。 これまでに5枚のオリジナルアルバムを出し、 ジャズ・クラシックのライブ・コンサートを行う。 子育てのため一度、音楽活動を休止。 昨年2022年より、ジャズのソロを同時に弾いて歌うという独自の音楽スタイルを確立し、活動を始める。
趣味:クラシック合唱・HipHop Jazz Music composing and performing